Data economy: outlook and solutions in an increasingly smart data-driven marketplace.
How to handle digital markets in the world: strategies, operations management, areas that need attention.
Current obligations and development of the reference framework: the impact of regulatory and fiscal aspects on e-commerce businesses.
Supply chain at the heart of ecommerce: scenario, outlook and solutions – from warehouse management to last mile delivery, up to reverse logistics. Development trends for both merchants and logistics operators.
Marketing for the digital enterprise: strategies, channels and digital technologies to support branding, experience, engagement and customer care targets.
Building a unified customer journey from the digital channel to the phisical store. The consumer’s perspective, the needs of the merchant and business solutions.
The scenario of payment systems between present and future, in the light of new technological solutions, consumption behavior and the evolution of the regulatory framework. Opportunities and challenges for brands and players in the payment chain.
Technological innovations are reshaping the relationship between consumers and business. Opportunities and challenges for the companies enhanced by emerging technology and areas of operation.