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Storeden is a multi-channel e-commerce platform. The platform was designed to meet the growing demand for quality and customization from the Italian market. A simple to manage control panel allows you to synchronize the catalog on multiple sales channels simultaneously such as Amazon, Ebay, Facebook, Instagram, Blomming and many others. From a panel you can update prices, quantity and receive orders. Over 100+ applications and hundreds of ready-to-use themes to expand your site and your business. Over 100+ agencies in the country to help your business and advise you on the strategies to be adopted to increase sales. Storeden is one of the most used solutions in Italy and it is constantly updated. Conquering the heart of 3000+ customers, in just two years it has become one of the leading platforms and one of the most advanced and requested web tools. Many important companies have chosen Storeden as a platform to develop their business, including Benasciutti Casa, Euphidra, Garmont, H-Farm, La Borsetteria, Negozi Pellizzari, Twodots, Zamberlan, Valdoca.